AGA 21
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
About IAMU
IAMU was founded by seven universities representing the five continents of the world (Representative Universities) in November, 1999, with a shared recognition of significance of maritime education and training in the rapid globalization of the international shipping arena.
Since then, IAMU has significantly expanded its membership, and now boasts 65 universities/academies/faculties of the world’s maritime education and training institutions, and The Nippon Foundation as its members, totalling 66 altogether.
About Georgia
All parts of Georgia are interesting, but Adjara is a place with the sea, the mountains, interesting traditions and a lot of other reasons why you should visit this region.
Adjara is a part of the ancient Kingdom of Colchis, the place where every monument hides history behind it. If you like to read the history in monuments or artefacts, then Adjara should find its spot on your list of the world’s must-see places.
Adjara is the place of new rendezvous where you can have fun and leisure at any season of the year. Adjara has many places to see and discover, especially when you visit for it for the first time. However, please keep in mind one thing - you want to come back here again.
Adjara is a home to remarkable flora and fauna. Its terraced subtropical forests and their inhabitants, sand dunes, beautiful lakes, the sea and the mountains that stand close to the sky - put you in harmony with nature.
Adjara offers diversity of colors, where you discover it – in someone else’s eyes, on the facade of a historical building or colorful doors of Batumi - is entirely up to you. What matters most is to enjoy these discoveries.
Today, Ajara is home to a variety of religions. In the same day, you can visit Christian Orthodox churches, mosques, synagogues, and Catholic and Armenian churches. In addition to religious monuments, Ajara has a myriad of unique arch stone bridges, which date back to the Middle Ages.
Batumi - the "Pearl of the Black Sea" as it is often called - is administrative centre of Ajara. European architects undertook numerous projects in Batumi at the beginning of the 20th century. Today, Batumi is still a place of numerous architectural innovations.
Ajara is a home to the picturesque beaches of Batumi, Kvariati, Sarpi, Gonio, Tsikhisdziri, Mtsvane Kontskhi (the Green Cape) and Kobuleti. During the summertime, the beaches are often crowded with tourists enjoying their holidays.
Ajara's visitors especially admire the region's pristine and unaltered nature. The region is particularly intriguing for eco tourists.
The main city of Adjara-Batumi was declared the best tourist destination by the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences in 2012. According to recent Forbes rankings, Batumi was given a place amongst top five ‘velvet season’ recreational resorts.
However, this doesn’t mean that Batumi is suitable for only ‘velvet season’ leisure activities. You can visit the city all year round for business or recreation. Batumi can be a perfect destination whether for high-profile international meetings or family weekends. Furthermore, Batumi city is desirable in any weather. The rainy Batumi is romantic - Colorful umbrellas, cheerful people-pebbled streets and hot steam of coffee on the sand, seeping through cozy local cafes. Colorful doors lead you to these cafes. There’s a lot of them in Batumi and taking photos against their background has become a tradition for the city guests.
In old Batumi, next to Piazza, in the alcove of a historical house on Gorgasali street, you can find the statue of a boy with a flute. This statue is considered to be a symbol of Batumi and has acquired such popularity that its modern, modification versions can be found by the entrance of the city boulevard. Check out Ali and Nino moving statues – their extraordinary date expressed in metal awakes wonderful emotions.
Start from there and be confident that there is much to see. With its old and new architecture, old port, European style squares, high-class hotels and other attractions Batumi is Georgia’s one of the best parts and cultural centers. You can get to the city easily, through terrestrial, aerial and maritime transport from European or Asian countries.
In addition to conference halls where international level conferences take place, Batumi offers various means of entertainment: Aqua Park, horse riding club, Ferris Wheel, maritime cruises, fly boarding, diving-center, paragliding, cycling, cinemas, casinos. You can also attend annual classical and jazz music festivals where a number of global stars have featured already.
If you find yourself in Batumi in autumn, you will be able to participate in two large-scale events – “Batumoba” and rural tourism festival – “Gandagana”. On these events markets, concerts, theatrical performances and exhibitions take place. “Gandagana” festival features special decorations on Era square. They represent Adjarian villages and display a wide variety of fruits, local food, wine and sweet delicacies that fill the air with a pleasant smell.
Batumi will open its theatre and exhibition hall doors for you. Spaces where you can walk and think about the past, the present and the future. Batumi feels like a yard which is full of happiness!
This is Batumi – the city which will take its distinguished place in your memories.
About BSMA
Georgian Maritime Education takes its roots in Poti Maritime Class founded in 1860.
Batumi Naval College was established in 1921 by the graduate of Poti Maritime Class, Master Mariner Alexander Chavchavadze.
Tradition of Maritime Education and Training (MET) implementation at BSMA goes back to remote 1929, when Port of Batumi-based Evening Maritime-Construction Courses were transformed into Batumi Evening Industrial College.
In 1938 the College was given the current building of Batumi State Maritime Academy, final construction of which (in line with simultaneously delivered studies) was implemented by the cadets and staff of Batumi Maritime College in 1940s.
In 1944 Batumi Maritime Industrial College was transformed into Batumi Maritime College.
For decades Batumi Maritime College provided high standards of maritime education for generations of Georgian seafarers.
In 1994 by decision of Georgian Government the College was reorganized as Batumi State Maritime Academy.
The current status of Legal Entity of Public Law – Teaching University – Batumi State Maritime Academy was given to BSMA on June 25, 2012.
Quality Management System complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 /IQNet;
BSMA offers Vocational, Bachelor and Master Levels of educational programs.
Bachelor Educational programs, offered by BSMA, are established in accordance with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) 2010, accredited by the National Centre for Educational Quality Enhancement under requirements of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and are regularly audited by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).
Educational programmes, offered by BSMA-based Vocational Training Centre in partnership with Pearson Education are recognized by UK Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC);
BSMA-based Seafarers Training & Certification Centre, equipped with the latest simulators, offers the STCW required certification courses.
Dynamic Positioning course, offered by BSMA-based Seafarers Training & Certification Centre, is accredited by The Nautical Institute (UK);
BSMA Internationalization policy is implemented through regular involvement of students and staff into a wide range of the international activities.
Since 2006, when BSMA became the member of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), the students and staff are promoted to participate in IAMU events.
BSMA regularly hosts different scientific conferences and MET related events.
Students’ mobility partnership is implemented with The Maritime University of Szczecin, Shanghai Maritime University (SMU), University of South-Eastern Norway – USN and University of CADIZ (UCA).
BSMA supports onboard training and employment of the graduates through annually conducted Employers and Partners Forum, ensuring onboard training and further employment at the leading crewing and shipping companies.
For further information you are cordially invited to visit IAMU AGA 21
AGA 21
Location & Venue & Local Map
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
AGA 21
Theme of the AGA 21
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
IAMUC (IAMU Conference)
“Best Practice: MET and Research for Sustainable Development”
- Environmental aspect
- Technological aspect
- Economic aspect
- Social aspect
- Policy aspect
AGA 21
Special Speech
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
AGA 21
Keynote Speakers
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
AGA 21
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
Registered Participant
If you forgot your password, please introduce your email and you will get it in return.
Conference participation fee: 450 USD (Excluding intermediary bank interest)
Fee includes:- Conference participation
- All lunches during conference
- All dinners during conference
- Conference proceedings
- Souvenirs
- Transportation / transfer
Accompany person: 200 USD (Excluding intermediary bank interest)
Fee includes:- All lunches during conference
- All dinners during conference
- Daily Tour
- Souvenirs
- Transportation / transfer
Beneficiary’s bank:
Beneficiary: LEPL - Teaching University - Batumi State Maritime Academy
IBAN: GE65NB0331100001150207
Registration form
Reimbursement policy
AGA 21
Travel information & visa support
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
Travel Information (airport transfer)
Georgia is home for three main airports:
Alexander Kartveli Batumi International Airport
The access from Batumi International Airtport to City Center of Batumi:
Taxi service is available at the terminal exit. It is approximately a10 minute drive to the city center.
Shota Rustaveli Tbilisi International Airport (336 km) provides direct flight to the domestic and international destinations.
Shota Rustaveli Tbilisi International Airport: there are regular buses (METRO Georgia -; Georgian Bus - and minibuses circulating from Tbilisi to Batumi every hour - travel fee are 20-25 GEL. Train: there are trains from Tbilisi to Batumi every day (night train and day trains) - travel fee 25 GEL - Georgian Railway -
David Aghmashenebeli Kutaisi International Airport (141 km) provides direct flight to the international destinations. There are shuttle buses from Kutaisi Airport - Georgian Bus

Visa Support
Depending on the purpose of your travel to Georgia, there are different categories of visas that will apply to the occasion. Whether you are planning to go on a visit, study or work and reside there permanently, you will have to apply for a different Georgian Visa, accordingly.
The fastest and easiest way to check whether you need a visa to enter and/or stay in Georgia, or transit the territory of Georgia is to visit the websites:
For more detailed information for foreign citizens see the video below:

AGA 21
Important Dates
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
Important Dates
- 1st call for abstracts December 28, 2019
Abstracts submission February 15, 2020 - Abstract Deadline Extended to March 11, 2020
Decisions on selected abstracts March 15, 2020 - Decisions on selected Abstracts April 11, 2020
- Full paper manuscripts submission May 15, 2020
- IPC and Program Editor first round of reviews June 1, 2020
- Deadline for revised papers submission July 1, 2020
- Decision on accepted papers August 1, 2020
AGA 21
Author Instructions
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
Templates and Guidelines for IAMUC
Call for Abstracts for IAMUC 2020
International Association of Maritime Universities Conference
21st IAMU Annual General Assembly
Location: Batumi, GeorgiaDates: 21st October – 23th October 2020
Abstract deadline: 15th of February 2020
As a part of the Annual General Assembly (AGA), the International Association of Maritime Universities Conference (IAMUC) brings together academician and researchers of IAMU member universities from all over the world to discuss recent progress and future trends in the maritime education, training and research.IAMUC 2020 will be the 21st conference as a sequence of events that started in Istanbul in 1999, and were held more recently in Varna (2017), Barcelona (2018) and Tokyo (2019). In 2020, IAMUC will be held in Batumi, Georgia, and hosted by Batumi State Maritime Academy.
IAMUC 2020 Theme
The IAMUC 2020 aims at presenting the Best Practice: MET and Research for Sustainable Development.Location
IAMUC 2020 will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Batumi, Georgia. Hotel is located in the center of the town and can be quickly reached from Alexander Kartveli Batumi International Airport.Abstract Submission
Authors are cordially invited to submit up to 2 pages abstract before 15th February 2020. After notification of acceptance (15th March 2020) the authors will be asked to prepare a full paper version. The submission details are available on the and hotel registration will open soon.
Updated and detailed information will be posted at
We look forward to seeing you in Georgia!
Full paper
AGA 21
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
Technical Programme
Social Programme
AGA 21
Conference Book and Proceedings
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
AGA 21
Technical Tour
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
AGA 21
Accompanying Persons Programme
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
AGA 21
Photo Gallery
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
AGA 21
Supporting Organizations
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
AGA 21
Organizers and Committees
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
International Program Committee (IPC)
- Nino Kurshubadze (Program Editor), Batumi State Maritime Academy, Georgia
- Boris Svilicic (Chief Program Editor of IAMUC), University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatia
- Graham Benton, California State University Maritime Academy, USA
- Matthew Rooks, Kobe University, Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Japan
- Samrat Ghosh, Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania, Australia
- Manel Grifoll, Prof., The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Mahmoud Elbawab, Prof., The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
- Zurab Bezhanovi, Batumi State Maritime Academy, Head of QA of Maritime Faculty, Professor
- Alexander Tsetskhladze, Batumi State Maritime Academy, Associate Professor of Maritime Faculty
- Guladi Tkhilaishvili, Batumi State Maritime Academy, Head of QA of Business and Management Faculty, PhD
Local Executive Committee (LEC)
- Head of Local Executive Committee
Prof. Rector of Batumi State Maritime Academy Irakli Sharabidze - Deputy Head of Local Executive Committee (administration)
Deputy Rector of Batumi State Maritime Academy Prof. Irakli Katsadze - Deputy Head of Local Executive Committee
Deputy Rector of Batumi State Maritime Academy Prof. Abdul Kakhidze - Program Editor
Head of Quality Assurance Service Associate Professor Nino Kurshubadze - Local Executive Committee Coordinators
Head of Projects Management, Internationalization and Career Services Department Teona Dzneladze
Deputy Head of Seafarers Training and Certification Centre Natia Dolidze
- Head of Local Executive Committee
AGA 21
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
Sheraton Batumi
Address: 28, Rustaveli Street, Batumi, 6010, Georgia
Tel.: +995 (422) 22 90 00
Sheraton Batumi is the main venue of AGA 21
Hilton Batumi
Address: 40, Rustaveli Street, Batumi, 6010, Georgia
Tel.: +995 (422) 22 22 99
Le Méridien Batumi
Address: 112, Ninoshvili / Zhgenti Street, Batumi, 6010, Georgia
Tel.: +995 (422) 29 90 90
Admiral Hotel
Address: 20, Gogebashvili Street, Batumi, 6010, Georgia
Tel.: +995 (557) 70 10 10
AGA 21
21st Annual General Assembly, 21-23 October 2020, Batumi
International Association of Maritime Universities
Students participation fee: 150 USD (Excluding intermediary bank interest)
Fee includes:- Conference participation
- All lunches during conference
- All dinners during conference
- Conference proceedings
- Souvenirs
- Transportation / transfer
Important Dates
- 1st call for abstracts February 1, 2020
Abstracts submission March 15, 2020- Abstracts submission April 1, 2020
Decisions on selected abstracts April 1, 2020- Decisions on selected abstracts April 15, 2020
- Full paper manuscripts submission May 1, 2020
- IPC and Program Editor first round of reviews June 1, 2020
- Deadline for revised papers submission July 1, 2020
- Decision on accepted papers August 1, 2020
“Best Practice: MET and Research for Sustainable Development”
The theme categories of the IAMUS include but not limited to:
- Maritime Education and Training - Psychological Aspects in MET;
- New Trends in MET;
- Human Element - Multicultural, Gender and Communication Issues;
- English as the means of Professional and Routine Communication;
- Information Technologies and Statistics in Marine/Maritime Researches;
- Efficient Logistics and Management.
Abstract Template
Full Paper